Registrati sul nostro portale Richiedi assistenza FAQ

The official hotel room rate for our group is $209 (single/double). Room rates are subject to local taxes which are currently 8.5% (sales tax) and 16.45% (hotel occupancy tax). Group rates will be honored three (3) days prior and three (3) days after the event start date (2/1/18), based on room availability. The reservation cut-off date for the group rate has been extended to Friday, January 19, 2018 at 5:00 PM PST, unless the group block sells out before that date. After that date, the group rate is subject to availability and is not guaranteed.Guests can also call 1-800-HILTONS and say they would like to book with the New Partners – LGC 2018 group.If asked for a three letter code, the code will be LGC.

Roommate Assistance

Roommate Assistance Forms are available to connect you with other conference participants who are interested in finding a roommate with whom to share lodging expenses.Roommate Assistance Form: PDF | DOC

Roommate Assistance

Roommate Assistance Forms are available to connect you with other conference participants who are interested in finding a roommate with whom to share lodging expenses.Roommate Assistance Form: PDF | DOC

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Prices & packges


  • One Day Conference Ticket
  • Coffee-break & Networking
  • Lunch and Networking
  • Keynote talk
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  • Two Day Conference Ticket
  • Coffee-break & Networing
  • Posters Session
  • Lunch & Networing
  • Talk to the Editors Session
  • Round table
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$199 / Person
  • One Day Conference Ticket
  • Coffee-break & Networing
  • Keynote talk
  • Lunch and Networking
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